Color Morphs


PSA: We  make our colorants to be around 40-50 drops per cup for any colors that are not Prime, Secondary or Tertiary. It allows for the user to change the saturation levels themselves and or add any other colors they wish before reaching saturation. Prime, Secondary or Tertiary I made to be very strong and use much less drops per cup. Treat them like any paint and shake for one minute minimum before use for best results.

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To us, the thrill of the outdoors is all about capturing the essence of nature, and our Color Morphs are designed to empower you with the ability to do exactly that. We don’t catch bass in our shops; we’re all about the wild, and our products are tailor-made for outdoor enthusiasts like yourself. Dead On Plastix Color Morphs utilize a revolutionary approach to color manipulation.

We’ve developed a completely unique base formula that serves as the perfect canvas for your creativity. With Color Morphs, you can transform your lures and baits to adapt to the conditions, taking your fishing game to a higher level. Imagine your Blue Craw lure taking on a deeper, more lustrous blue finish with just a touch of Blue Color Morphs, or accentuating the natural brown tones with Neo Orange?! (That’s a GOOD day on the water) and we’ve made quite sure that the possibilities are limitless. Our Color Morphs are designed for ease of use, start with just 25 drops per half cup, see how you like it, and add more if needed.

Expect results that are stunning and vibrant, especially when viewed in natural light. Keep in mind that artificial lighting can alter the appearance of soft plastic bait, (remember how the camera manufactures program settings for LED, Tungsten, and Fluoro lighting? Yup, that.)For those who want to push their color customization even further, we highly recommend** using approximately 40-50 drops per cup for non-Prime, Secondary, or Tertiary colors. This will allow you to exercise complete control over the saturation levels and experiment with other colors before achieving the desired effect. If you’re working with Prime, Secondary, or Tertiary colors, Dead On ColorMorphs are exceptionally potent and require fewer drops per cup. Just treat them like any paint, give them a good shake for one minute before use, and watch your baits transform! Dead On Plastix Color Morphs are the ultimate tool for anglers who appreciate the art of fishing and moreover want to enhance their success. With our unique bases and incredible versatility, you can’t miss

Blue Craw

Metal Mist




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Additional information

Weight .35 lbs
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 4 in

Blue Craw, Metal Mist, Synthetic, Kiwis, Smashberry