Dead Measures


Our cups are made of Borosilicate glass and not Soda-lime glass.

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Dead Measures

Because fragile glassware in a lure shop makes as much sense as a milk chocolate teapot.

Our new high-end Borosilicate pouring cups laugh in the face of thermal shock—take that, freakin Soda-Lime glass!

Picture this: You’re in the shop, and suddenly your beloved wall-mounted moose head falls, you my friend, might just set that hot cup-o-dead down atop a cold surface. But just because you’re out (another) moose head, and regular glassware cowers in fear, doesn’t mean Dead Measures will.

These bad boys & gals are thicker and shorter, just like your friend Marshall who’s always hogging the spotlight in photos – cool it, Marshall.

Dead Measure is made for whatever shop drama may come their way. So why settle for glassware that’s as delicate as your GamGam’s fine china? Dead Measures are the Hulkster of pouring cups—tough, oil-friendly, unyielding, and just so dang suave. Whether you’re starting or a microwave warrior, these cups are the sidekick you’ll want. Life is too short for glassware that can’t handle the heat, The Dead were made for it.


Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 4 in

1 cup, 2 cup