Each color pic was done with 25 drops per 1/2 cup of plastisol.
For full Color Drop downloads visit:Â
Consider this: In water as shallow as 8-10 feet, the visible human spectrum is filtered out, reducing objects to grayscale. But fear not, our UV-reactant particles revolutionize the game. While UV light remains invisible to the human eye, it’s a beacon for bass. Unlike conventional colors, UV light penetrates the water column more effectively. A bait infused with UV-reactant particles becomes a standout spectacle, reflecting UV light and showcasing vibrant colors even in deeper waters. Choose Dead On Plastix UV NEON Dye of the Dead for baits that go beyond the ordinary. Dead On Plastix UV NEON Dye of the Dead, is available in a vibrant spectrumof Chartreuse, Purple Rain, Charlime, Neolime, NeoBlue, NeoPink, NeoPeach, NeoOrange, Neo Magenta, Neo Red, Neo Orange Yellow, and Neo Bright Red. Take it to the full nines with our UV dye, surpassing both generic alternatives and your competitors’ offerings.